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Acidic electrolyzed water


Acid electrolysis water generator: a device that generates acidic aqueous solutions with hypochlorous acid as the main bactericidal component.

What is hypochlorous acid

Hypochloric acid is a weakly acidic and strongly oxidizing disinfectant

Hypochloric acid is the most important component of the human immune system that plays a bactericidal role

Hypochloric acid is currently one of the most widely used disinfectants

Hypochloric acid is the ultimate bactericidal factor for all chlorine containing disinfectants

The chemical formula of hypochlorous acid is HClO, with a structural formula of H-O-Cl. The valence of chlorine is+1, making it the lowest valent oxygen-containing acid of chlorine. However, its oxidizing ability is extremely strong among oxygen-containing acids of chlorine, making it the second most oxidizing acid among oxygen-containing acids of chlorine.

84 disinfectant (sodium hypochlorite) and bleaching powder (calcium hypochlorite), which are well-known in daily life, are inorganic chlorine containing disinfectants. However, inorganic chlorides have unstable properties, so people have invented organic chlorine containing disinfectants (such as sodium dichloroisocyanurate, trichloroisocyanurate, ammonium chloride T, etc.).

In the past, people always tried their best to make hypochlorous acid exist in a more stable way so that it could be preserved for a long time; Now, with the emergence of electrolysis/synthesis of hypochlorous acid water technology, chlorine containing disinfectants are directly presented in their most essential way - hypochlorous acid. The production method of immediate use also helps to solve the problem of long-term storage, bringing disinfection technology back to its most essential state. Whether it is an inorganic chlorine containing disinfectant or an organic chlorine containing disinfectant, the final active ingredient after being dissolved in water is hypochlorous acid.

Hypochloric acid disinfectant is suitable for disinfecting medical and health institutions, public health places, and home food and beverage utensils, food, fruits and vegetables, and water. It can also be used for disinfecting air, secondary water supply, hands, skin, and mucous membranes.

Working principle:

An acidic aqueous solution formed by electrochemical reactions after low concentration sodium chloride is electrified, with hypochlorous acid as the main bactericidal component

The main reactions are as follows:

Hypochloric acid is a solution produced by purified tap water entering a specially designed electrolytic cell. The slightly acidic water produced by this chlor acid generator has a pH value of 5-6.5 (HCLO), an ORP value of 750mv or above for redox potential, effective chlorine (50-150mg/L), and an alkaline water pH of 10-12 (NaOH) with an ORP value of 800-900 mv for redox potential.

Electrolysis principle:

The hypochlorite generator electrolyzes 0.1% NaCl solution in a special electrolysis module. In advanced anion membranes, acidic oxidation potential water is generated from the anode side, and alkaline reduction potential is generated from the cathode side. Most alkaline water will enter the anode chamber twice, and after the second electrolysis, slightly acidic electrolytic ion water will be generated from the anode side. A small amount of alkaline water will be produced on the cathode side.

Electrolytic dilute brine (HClO) is a weakly acidic water that does not contain chemical additives, has a high redox potential, and good bactericidal performance. Micro acidic electrolyzed water is a safe, residue free, and environmentally friendly solution.
